
What a time to be alive! Humans have been on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years. To be frank, not much happened most of the time. You – and I – were born when everything was about to change.

The 1980s were fabulous. For me, I learned to read and write. I am also forever grateful to my parents, who saved money to buy me one of the first simple home computers, a Japanese Spectravideo 728 MSX.

Coming from a humble background, I have always been astonished by the democratization of opportunities in the digital era. Today, anyone can build a business without much capital anywhere – even in the northernmost arctic wilderness where I was born.


I moved to Asia in the 2000s. Having sold my business, I now enjoy a simple retirement life, oscillating between the tranquil beaches and vibrant megacities. I believe Asia is the future and poised to dominate the world stage. This will be a seismic shift.

While I am not looking for any work or business opportunities anymore, I follow new developments with great interest here and elsewhere.


We're in the middle – or rather, in the beginning – of a massive technological and societal revolution. Fortunes have been made and lost, and the course of mankind has forever changed. After the rise of the Internet, we're on the verge of AGI.

Progress doesn't happen without hiccups, but I am excited to see what's next.

Scared, too, but excited.


I appreciate the thought, but I'm not looking forward to receiving any more emails. The form below does not send anything anywhere – it is merely for the entertainment of bots. If you need to contact me, you'll know how.